Possibly New Goverment??

The Rfw New government will mainly be run by the president. There will be 3 systems in the government. The Court system, The Senate, And the Presidential system. There will be new elections because the president and vice president now don’t do much really. Now the way the 3 systems are run. Well the Court’s System’s main purpose is to take away drama from our chat Xat.com/therfw. And arguments our complaints must be told to the Supreme judge once we vote on who that will be. The Senate helps probably the most. There will be 2 senators a server. And if something happens to that server its up to the 2 senators to tell the president what they think Rfw should do. Once the President thinks this over he would tell one of our leaders. The Leader would be the final person to look this over and if he agrees with the decision then that situation will be settled. The senate also is the sponsor for events rfw may have and they will report the server to us if it is very populated so we could recruit. Now last but not least the Presidential system. The President will run most of the government. He has most word in the government. The president’s word is bigger then the Leader’s word in the government. So if your part of the senate you will take all orders from the president. The President will be the one deciding how to make rfw better but he would also make sure we have another solution then war right away. Well for the government I made sort of a ranks.

Vice President:
Supreme Judge:

~~~Owner Line~~~
Head Senator:

5 Star Judge:
4 Star Judge:

3 Star Judge:

~~~Mod Line~~~

2 Star Judge

1 Star Judge:
2nd in Command senator:

3rd in Command Senator:

Regular Senator:

Secondary Senators:
Back Up Senators:

I hope this idea will be passed by one of the leaders because I think this can really effect the way Rfw will be as a army.

Co Leader ~Rice44~